Tuesday 9 October 2012

Session One - Manifestos - 4th October

Description: A public declaration  making announcement, explanation or defence of intentions or motives.

          Basically, a manifesto, in reference to design, is the policy or agenda laid out by the designer or artist on the grounds of their design. Manifestos are linked mainly to the Avant Garde Movement.

       In this lecture, I learnt more about manifesto in design. I loosely knew what a manifesto was, due to being involved with businesses which had them in place, such as my old sixth form. As a whole, I feel that the lecture was very relevant and I know that I can apply it to myself as a designer whilst I progress. 
 I learnt about the manifestos of some designers, some of which I agree with, others I don't. One that particularly struck me was the manifesto of the ADF (Anti Design Festival). The ADF are an organisation that are against generic society. They want anarchy to crash and burn. Their manifesto begins with the statement "We are living in an age where millions of colours have become 256". This made me captivated straight away. In a nutshell, the manifesto is basically having a go at the new generation and how everyone is hypnotised by generic design. 

I enjoyed this lecture and found it very useful. However, I feel that it did not flow properly and Adam was easily distracted by Ikea. I found it hard to keep up as it jumped from one subject to another. Other than this, the information and knowledge i gained has inspired me to do further research into the Futurists, Designers Against Monoculture, Ken Garland and the ADF.

Sources : http://www.antidesignfestival.com/disinformation/?page_id=4

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